Wow... Sure am Sorry I Missed this Event

So the same week folks in Atlanta were rallying to cut taxes, some folks here in the District were rallying in favor of repressive, abusive regimes!
I have to admit I am perplexed at a rally where, "The marchers demanded an end to the U.S. government’s campaign of lies, threats, and sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba."
Yes, these bozos parading around Malcolm X Park were rallying in favor of a Cuban regime, where, according to the liberal Amnesty International's 2006 report:
Freedom of expression and association continued to be under attack. All legal media outlets were under government control and independent media remained banned. Independent journalists faced intimidation, harassment and imprisonment for publishing articles outside Cuba. Human rights defenders also faced intimidation and politically motivated and arbitrary arrests.
Not only did these pinheads rally in favor of a repressive Cuban regime, lets not forget they were also there to show solidarity with the regime in Venezuela, where, according to the same Amnesty International report:
There were reports of unlawful killings of criminal suspects by police. Most cases were not investigated and the perpetrators remained unpunished. The lack of independence of the judiciary remained a concern. Persistent social and economic inequalities continued to limit access to the economic and social rights of Afro-descendants and indigenous peoples.
Charming. I am sure the irony that these folks are rallying in favor of countries where such displays of free expression are repressed is lost on these dopes.
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