Your Tax Dollars At Work - $200 K for Metro to Study Lighting

Let me get this straight. The problem is that Metro stations are dark - partially due to the 'soft lighting' Metro uses and partially due to Metro's inability to replace burned out bulbs. The response? Why naturally a $200K study of what the heck to do. (Photo of current 'soft lighting' intended to emphasize the 'architectural beauty' of Metro, compliments of the Washington Post)
According to The Post:
Longer term, Tangherlini said, Metro needs to ask the bigger questions: "What kind of lighting do we want in the station, and how can we improve lighting while maintaining the architectural integrity and beauty?"
In July, the transit agency plans to begin a six-month study of those questions. The $200,000 study will seek input from the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts and Metro's recently formed Riders' Advisory Council.
Come on folks. A $200,000 "study" to figure out how bright you want your lights to be? How in the name of all that is holy, do you need a $200K study to figure out you need brighter bulbs and more frequent replacement of burned out bulbs.
I got an idea for folks to try at home. Next time your wife, husband, girlfriend, partner, significant other, mom, dad, or dog asks you to change the burned out bulb in the living room, respond with a request for $20 to "study" the problem. Let me know how that works out for you.
We wonder why Metro can figure out how to turn a profit? Heck they can't even figure out how to change a lightbulb without blowing $200 grand.
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