Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Incompetent? Congratulations, Here's a Raise!

Part 2 of The Washington Times series on pay for District employees is out. The first paragraph pretty much sums up everything that is wrong with our government:

No clear link exists between the D.C. government's rising salaries and the performance of city executives enjoying higher wages, city records show.

It's actually worse than it sounds. Not only is there no clear link between rising salaries and actual performance, the Times piece points out several occasions where poor performance was actually rewarded with a raise!

For example, Lee E. Williams had earned $103,318 a year as the head of the D.C. Taxicab Commission, overseeing 15 employees. The city government boosted his salary by 3.5 percent, to $106,934, last year - just before Mr. Williams was fired for incompetence.

In another example, the D.C. government hired E. Michael Latessa in January 2004 to head the Office of Unified Communications, which handles all of the city's 911 emergency calls. His salary was $111,000.

During his tenure, the agency has been beset with complaints from residents about improperly dispatched calls from emergency technicians about being sent to incorrect addresses and from call-takers and dispatchers about poor working conditions.

Why aren't more people just absolutely irate about crap like this?


Blogger HomeImprovementNinja said...

This city is run by incompetents, but it's very transient. It's easier to move to Arlington or Bethesda than fight these entrenched idiots.

6:56 AM  
Blogger ChrisBarronDC said...

I think the transient nature of the District is certainly part of the problem. However, I also think that many folks believe well things could be much worse - our Mayor could be smoking crack.

The bar has been set so unbelievably low in this city.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest, I think part of the problem is the mentality prevalent in much of DC and PG County that as long as it's one of "us" getting over, it's not that big of a problem. We're still paying for the Marion Barry years.

7:53 PM  

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