Friday, February 23, 2007

Nanny State Insanity - You Can't Make This Up

OK, first let me say thank you to the folks at To the People who do a phenomenal job of blogging on nanny state insanity. Secondly, let me say that one of the stories To the People covers today may be the most outrageous and unbelievable nugget of nanny-state insanity that I have ever read (and my God that is saying a lot).

Apparently, not to be outdone by the Maryland or DC nanny states, a legislator in Virginia is hell bent on protecting the good people of the Commonwealth from - oversized, plastic testicles. I am not making this up. From The Washington Post (via To the People):

As the General Assembly debates global warming and the death penalty, Myers (R-Washington) has something else on his mind: the outsized plastic testicles that truckers dangle from the trailer hitches of their pickups [ellipsis] His bill would prohibit motorists from displaying anything resembling or depicting "anatomically correct" or "less than completely and opaquely covered" human or animal genitals, human buttocks or female breasts. The offense would carry a penalty.
Thank God for the Nanny State, protecting people everywhere from the dangers of oversized, plastic testicles dangling from the back of pickup trucks.


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