Theater of the Absurd - The Marion Barry Education Center

According to the Washington City Paper,
Posthumous dedications, though, do nothing for the egos of the living. That's where the Marion S. Barry Jr. Professional Learning Community comes in. Last week, officials at Ballou Senior High School slapped that title on what was formerly known as the Ward 8 Learning Community, an education facility housed in the school.
Yes, when I think Marion Barry the FIRST thing that pops into my mind is education! Look at everything Marion Barry did for District schools, and particularly schools in Ward 8. I mean they are a shining example to the rest of the nation, right?
No. They are an embarrassment.
Though I guess in some bizarre way its fitting:
But a plaque in the hallway of a crumbling and troubled high school may well end up as the only tribute to the man who dominated the city for more than half of the 31 years of D.C.'s limited self-rule. After all, what up-and-coming politico is going to sponsor legislation to name future public-works projects after a drug user and tax scofflaw?
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