Where is our Rudy?

How is it that the overwhelmingly Democratic city of New York can manage to elect a Republican who cuts taxes, fights crime and improves the quality of life across the city, while the best DC can manage is a Democrat dominated Mayoral process that boils down to a pathetic game of who can promise the most and deliver the least?
Rudy won in New York despite the fact that Democrats outnumber Republicans by better than 5 to 1 - indeed Rudy was re-elected with 60% of the vote. Meanwhile the District's GOP nominee for Mayor in 2006, while admittedly a nice guy - garnered an embarrassing 6%.
While Mayor of New York, Giuliani cut taxes. In fact, Rudy cut taxes more than any Mayor in NYC history by reducing or eliminating 23 taxes - for a total savings to taxpayers of more than $8 billion! The Giuliani tax cuts help spur the creation of 425,000 NYC jobs to boot. Imagine that, a Mayor who cut taxes and created jobs. What a novel concept.
Under Rudy's leadership crime fell dramatically in NYC. Murders were cut from 1,946 in 1993 (the year Rudy inherited the keys to a city broken by years of Democratic mismanagement) to 649 in 2001. Overall crime fell an astounding 57%. Indeed, according to the FBI, NYC went from the crime capital of the country to the "Largest Safe City in America."
My question is, where is our Rudy? Isn't there a tough as nails tax cutter living in the District who can cut through our Democratic dominated political system that has failed the people of DC?
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