The Cut DC Taxes Mayoral Endorsements

I know you all have waited with baited breath, so here they are - the official Cut DC Taxes Mayoral endorsements (they are like the Marion Barry endorsements but carry a little less weight with hookers, crack heads and the mentally infirmed).
If you are a Democrat -
Adrian Fenty for Mayor.
I had earlier issued a half-assed, half-hearted, kinda, sorta endorsement of Fenty (which I will admit had more to do with my total disgust for Linda Cropp). Well today I get off the fence and outright endorse Fenty in the Democratic primary.
Sure I wish someone would have run a real outsider/reformer campaign (opportunity missed by the Johns campaign), but the fact is no one did. I am not always going to agree with Adrian Fenty but I am confident he will not let the bureaucracy and the system hobble him the same way Mayor Williams has - and the same way I am sure Linda Cropp would.
Fenty brings enthusiasm and optimism to the city, and hell even someone as pessimistic as me wants to feel good about the city every now and then. It also doesn't hurt that Fenty is the only candidate in the Democratic primary who pledged not to raise taxes!
If you are a Republican -
Dave Kranich for Mayor.
Yes, there are registered Republicans in the District (myself included) and yes there is a Republican primary for Mayor today. Dave Kranich, who is endorsed by the DC Republican Committee, is facing off against Dennis Moore.
Moore's campaign seems to be little more than a concerted effort on his part to post long rambling comments on as many DC-related sites as possible. Kranich on the other hand, is running a serious campaign. I have spoken to him before and he seems like a nice enough guy. Unless a write-in-Carol Schwarz campaign springs up in the next few hours - I recommend DC Republicans vote for Dave Kranich.
To me, this was a race with two bad choices. Fenty was a great council member but I am terrified of him being mayor. Cropp was a safer choice, but is also of concern.
I luckily had to fly to Dallas that day and didn't vote. I hate not voting, but in this case it was not so bad as I had no idea what to do.
What stinks most about Fenty winning, for me, is that he was my council member and did a great job and was responsive. In a very bizarre redistricting, the council lopped off my part of Chevy Chase and attached it to Ward 4, which is a mile across the park and is a completely different type of neighborhood, poor and crime-ridden. But the most important fact is that it is one mile away through the woods from mine and we have no connection to each other. Fenty did an upstanding and excellent balancing act, and I can't imagine anyone else could do it so well.
Btw, this redistricting made me hate Kathy Patterson, who endorsed it, and I am glad that she lost.
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