Monday, May 21, 2007

Want to Know what REAL Tax Reform Would Look Like?

Leonardo's post on Jack Evans' proposal to cap property tax increases reminded me how low most folks put the bar for tax reform. We don't need piecemeal proposals when it comes to either federal or local tax reform - we need radical tax reform.
What to know what real tax reform would look like? Go HERE!


Blogger Leonardo said...

I love Fair Tax but Clinton's tax changes, and Bush's, have made this impossible.

The reason is that because of those "reforms" 60% of Americans pay no federal tax at all. As a result, any tax reduction benefits the top 40%, as they are the only ones who pay taxes. Worse, a flat tax would actually make every person pay something.

I think that the most insidious thing about the Clinton/Bush tax policies is that they allowed the MAJORITY of the population to not pay federal taxes and have any skin in the game as to how much the government costs. So it is now 60/40. Why not 80/20 or more?

7:29 PM  

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