Monday, July 31, 2006

Debating the Role of Government

Last night I found myself in a hell of a debate with some of my neighbors about the role of the government. I hadn't intended to get into a debate about it, but after a few drinks I am always prone to provoking political debates. This one, like so many, didn't start off any where near where it ended. The debate started with me asking a couple of my neighbors about the upcoming DC Mayoral primary. Ok, in all honesty, it was a little less like I asked them and a little more like I provoked them with my, "I sure as hell hope none of you people are actually thinking about voting for Linda friggin Cropp."

Alas, a couple of my registered D neighbors are planning on voting for Linda Cropp... and for the worst possible reason - her support for the Mayor's crime bill. Ugh. This revelation really got me going. I immediately launched into a tirade about why the crime bill is such a frigging disaster. I was starting on my "we shouldn't sacrifice our civil liberties" line when one of my neighbors point blank told me - "oh don't give me that civil liberties crap."

The next thing I know I am listening to my uber-liberal Democratic neighbors advocate expanding the government's ability to monitor us, defend the government's role as an arbiter of decency, and defend the government's role as chief nanny in charge.

It's depressing to think that the concept of defending individual liberty has been so degraded by our current political environment.


Blogger Jessica said...

For social support, you should come to To The People functions. We missed you. Re: Cropp, I am voting for her as she is much better than Fenty, who is a crusading redistributionist. Of course Cropp is horrible, but Fenty is worse. I wish Carol Schwarz would fun for mayor.

6:39 PM  
Blogger ChrisBarronDC said...

I promise to make it to the next one :) I have to disagree with you on the Cropp v Fenty debate tho (of course I ain't a registered D so I can't vote for either of them)... Yes, Fenty is terrible on fiscal policy but Cropp is just as bad. At least Fenty has pledged not to raise taxes (a pledge Cropp hasn't taken)... and Fenty from the get go has supported civil marriage equality - while Cropp has danced around the issue as much as humanly possible... the final straw for me was the crime bill vote... I don't care why Fenty voted against it, I am just glad he did. Cropp's outrageous grandstanding on this issue really makes my stomach sick... She acts like none of this happened on her damn watch.

Of course, come November I won't be voting for either of those clowns. Maybe I will write in Leonardo for Mayor :)

8:04 AM  

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