Brown Promises to Stop Nats Stadium if Elected

Only problem for Michael Brown is that I have a better chance of being elected Mayor. Nonetheless, Brown, according to the Washington Times, is pledging to personally stop construction of a new stadium for the Nationals (I have these great images of Michael Brown chained to an abandoned car in SE to stop the stadium).
From the Times:
Michael A. Brown says that, as D.C. mayor, he would stop construction of the Washington Nationals' baseball stadium on South Capitol Street and instead would refurbish RFK Stadium for the team.
"The city is going to build a stadium for the team or refurbish, from my standpoint. ... I think the city should've selected the location. I don't think [Major League Baseball] should've forced us as to where," Mr. Brown said during an interview with editors and reporters at The Washington Times.
"When this deal is done, it's going to be $1 billion. What I'd like to do is reprogram some of those dollars to other things here in the District of Columbia and at the same time refurbish RFK."
I love Brown's use of the word "reprogram." Brown would like to "reprogram" the billion dollars for the stadium to "other things." Reprogram is clearly code word for "piss away".
Yes, Mr. Brown, thats exactly what we need. Give the incompetent city government a billion freaking dollars to "reprogram." Thank God this guy doesn't have a chance, because he clearly doesn't have a clue.
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