Linda Cropp - Shameless

This woman never ceases to amaze me... the Capt of the Titanic herself, City Council Chair Linda Cropp threw this barb at Mayoral front-runner Adrian Fenty at an AARP forum (via the Washington Post):
"If Adrian Fenty refuses to explain his record when it comes to senior citizens in the District of Columbia, then I owe it to the District to hold him accountable," she said.
The Cropp barb wasn't in reference to Fenty's record on the City Council, but instead to his handling of a legal client's case. Linda's attack apparently went over like a fart in church:
Cropp's comments about Fenty, the Ward 4 council member, did not go over well with some attendees. After the moderator reminded the candidates to avoid personal attacks, audience members clapped enthusiastically.
Note to Captain Cropp - you better PRAY voters aren't going to the polls in September with plans on holding any of our politicos accountable for their records. You act like you just showed up on the scene, that somehow you haven't been part of the problem. The reality is that Linda Cropp isn't just part of the problem - she is the problem.
If voters in September do hold candidates accountable for their records, then Capt. Cropp's defeat is sealed. Here's hoping that happens.
Another Fenty plant here.
Hey numbnuts Linda Cropp has been piloting the tugboat that has pulled us out of the problem.
You think there are problems now, you must be truly a newby.
This berg was way screwed up when Linda Cropp came onto the Council and she has steadfastly stepped to the plate and assumed the burden since moving into leadership. You think it is easy running a city? You think style will get the job done? No way. It takes smarts and hard work neither of which are Mr. Fenty's strong suits. If Fenty wins this thing you should bail because it will be the beginning of a march backwards.
You know I love comments, but if you are going to take the time to comment take the time to actually read my damn blog. Clearly I am no "fenty plant" hell i aint even a registered Democrat. If I needed more reasons to hope Capt Cropp loses, I just got another one compliments of one of her supporters.
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