Are Brown and Orange Packing It In?

Marc Fisher has a new column up that suggests Vincent Orange and Michael Brown may be effectively leaving the Democratic Mayoral contest. Quite honestly, neither of these candidates ever made an impact in the race, and I can't figure out exactly why either thought they could or should be Mayor.
Another juicy nugget from the Fisher column is a suggestion that Marion "B*tch Set Me Up" Barry is likely to wait until after Labor Day before he endorses Linda "Capt of the Titanic" Cropp. Fisher opines that Barry may wait to endorse Cropp because, "Cropp keenly needs Barry's support east of the river, but wouldn't want Barry publicly on her side more than a few days before the vote for fear of too much backlash in other parts of the city, especially west of Rock Creek Park, where Barry's name can be poisonous."
How much with this gambit surprise me? Coming from Linda Cropp, it ain't surprising in the least damn bit.
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