Cropp Attacks Fenty Over Crime Bill (Surprise)

D.C. Council Chairman Linda W. Cropp changed the tenor of the mayor's race yesterday in a campaign brochure warning thousands of voters that front-runner Adrian M. Fenty's position on crime "puts our safety at risk."
The personal nature of the glossy four-page brochure marks a change in tactics for Cropp, who had not mentioned Fenty in previous mailings. With a little less than five weeks until the Sept. 12 Democratic primary, Cropp is seeking to reinvigorate her campaign.
Oh yeah Linda, thats it. Fenty's vote against a bunch of feel good, do nothing provisions "puts our safety ar risk." Linda Cropp has no shame at all. She has been the CHAIR of the City Council while this "crime emergency" unfolded. Linda Cropp has been at the wheel while the City's streets became increasingly more violent. Now La Linda has the balls to attack Fenty for putting "our safety at risk." I'll tell you what will put our safety at risk - electing Linda Cropp Mayor.
Fenty's camp nailed what is motivating this latest lunacy from the Cropp campaign:
Asked about the charges made in Cropp's brochure, Alec Evans, Fenty's spokesman, said, "They're behind, and they're desperate."
While Cropp plays politics with the growing violence on our streets and pretends like she hasn't been at the helm of this disaster, Fenty is actually focused on solving our crime problem:
"The hastily and politically inspired response to the newest crime emergency underscores the need for new leadership in our city," Fenty said in the statement. "My campaign is about real solutions: putting police officers on the streets, closing down open-air drug markets and drug houses, holding the police department's feet to the fire and addressing the root of the problem by finally fixing our troubled school system."
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