Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Desperate Cropp

Wow... a cardinal rule from politics 101 is that anyone who starts challenging their opponents to frequent debates, especially someone who already has almost 100% name recognition, is completely and totally desperate. It appears that Linda Captain of the Titanic Cropp is now a desperate candidate. According to this morning's Washington Post she is challenging Fenty to twice a week debates between now and the September 12th primary:

"I am ready to meet Adrian Fenty for a one-on-one debate twice a week," Cropp said during a news conference at a seniors apartment complex on Florida Avenue NE.

While I think these one-on-one debates would be fun as heck, I don't think Fenty should accept, there is almost nothing in it for him. It's clear Cropp is desperate and desperate candidates will do and say almost anything. Fenty is leading in the 4th quarter and he has the ball, he should concentrate on running out the clock and let Cropp continue to make a fool of herself.

Speaking of Capt Cropp making a fool of herself, Cropp continued her attacks on Fenty (more proof of a desperate candidate). According to the Post:

Cropp's latest attack on Fenty focused on two D.C. Council votes about education. Over the weekend, the Cropp campaign released a new mailing alleging that Fenty's record on public schools had been "shameful."

That material, a glossy brochure, features pictures of Cropp surrounded by children in a classroom setting and highlights her experience as a teacher. The four-page pamphlet outlines Cropp's plan to improve schools: universal pre-kindergarten, the creation of a principal's academy and the inclusion of the superintendent in mayoral Cabinet meetings.

It alleges that Fenty "has a record of turning his back on our children" and highlights two education bills that Fenty voted against: an emergency bill in May 2001 on purchasing public school textbooks and a bill in May 2005 approving emergency funding for school security.

During his meeting with Post reporters and editors, Fenty said he thinks District voters are "turned off " by Cropp's recent surge of negative campaigning.

Well one thing is clear - Capt Cropp LOVES emergencies... emergency crime bills, emergency education bills, emergency must debate my opponent twice a week because my campaign is in a tail spin...


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