Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cropp Continues Her Negative Campaign Blitz

Linda Capt of the Titanic Cropp is continuing her negative campaign blitz against front runner Adrian Fenty. Her latest attack mailer, aimed at seniors and parents, again attacks Fenty for his handling of an elderly client's case, and adds attacks on Fenty's vote on rent control protections and "emergency" text book legislation (you know how much Capt Cropp LOVES emergencies!).

A digital copy of the front and the back of the flier are provided compliments of The Washington Post.

According to The Post, Cropp's negative campaign may be backfiring:

The negative literature outraged some District voters who wrote e-mails to the Fenty campaign and several neighborhood e-mail discussion groups to say that Cropp's attack persuaded them to support Fenty.

People who read this blog no I am no fan of Capt Cropp, not by a long stretch. However, I am skeptical that these mailers are actually going to backfire on her. We may not like it, but negative campaigning works. If Cropp's people did a good job of making sure these fliers got into the hands of the people its targeting - parents and seniors - then this flier certainly could have a negative effect on Fenty. I warned earlier that Fenty should not "take the high road" here. He should respond forcefully to Cropp's negative campaign. He should refute the allegations Cropp is levelling and take her to task for running a nasty, negative campaign. Fenty's failure to take Cropp's campaign on could damage him in the closing weeks.


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