Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cropp Takes Her Attack Ad Blitz to the TV Airwaves

Adrian Fenty better watch his back. Linda Capt of the Titanic Cropp ain't going down without a fight. The Washington Post is reporting that Cropp has launched a pair of television advertisements.

D.C. mayoral candidate Linda W. Cropp unveiled a pair of advertisements that began airing on local network television affiliates today, including one in which she paints herself as a responsible legislator and rival Adrian M. Fenty as ambitious but morally flawed.

The Cropp attack ad once again hammers Fenty on his handling of a pair of cases for legal clients. More from the Post:

"What is it that gives a mayor the judgment to do what's right? Flashiness or steadiness? Charisma or character?" asks a voice-over narrator on the ad that compares Cropp and Fenty.

The ad, titled "Judgment" by the Cropp campaign, then addresses a pair of cases in which Fenty, who worked as a lawyer before joining the D.C. Council in 2000, mishandled the accounts of elderly clients. The other ad, titled "Determined," touts Cropp's experience as a teacher and council chairman who helped lead the city of out financial bankruptcy in the mid-1990s.

Adrian Fenty better be prepared to swing back. These ads are a first for DC Mayoral races, and could have a dramatic impact on the race (depending of course on the size of the ad buy):

The ads reportedly mark the first time D.C. mayoral campaigns have paid for time on over-the-air network affiliates. Council member Vincent B. Orange Sr. (D-Ward 5), who also is running for mayor, bought ads this spring on local cable channels.

The Fenty campaign's response is not surprising:

Fenty's campaign has said Cropp is desperate to close the gap and that voters will be "turned off" by negative campaigning.

I hope for Adrian Fenty's sake that they aren't banking on voters being "turned off" by negative campaigning. Fenty has run a smart, aggressive campaign up until now. I would hope his campaign team would be smart enough not to let Linda Cropp define Fenty in the closing weeks.

UPDATE (3:07 PM): Here is a link to the Cropp attack ad entitled "Judgment" I just watched it, and while this crap works its clear Linda Cropp is beyond desperate. This is the gutter of politics. I don't know how many times I am going to say this but Fenty should fire back. Call Cropp out on running the nastiest, most vicious campaign this city has ever seen. I wouldn't vote for Linda Cropp for dog catcher.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't blame Cropp for Fenty not being able to be competent. She is doing the public a service.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really think this is the most negative campaign in DC history? Seriously? This is child's play. You are completely correct, though. Fenty should be a man and fight back. If he wants to, you know, be mayor and stuff.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there were one thing in Cropp's ad that were even being challenged as untrue, you'd have a point.

If Cropp's ad attacked Fenty's family or were personal, you'd have a point.

But the ad simply states the facts about Fenty's lack of accountability to two elderly men who needed his.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chairman Cropp has every right in the world to compare her integrity, experience and judgment to Adrian Fenty's. In the end Cropp does Fenty a service by potraying him as an embodied entity when she more accurately could have simply shown an empty suit.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE have to understand the conceptive meaning of this race. Can we really relate to the future commitments of Fenty? Can we really trust him like we've trusted Marion Barry? As one anonymous person said: "this is child's play". Realize who we really want in that office. You know who to vote for when it matters. Take charge dammit!

1:38 PM  

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