Saturday, March 10, 2007

News Flash: Look Left When Turning Left!

A D.C. judge has weighed in on the murderous Metrobus driver, saying
"Our laws require drivers . . . to look to their left before making a left turn,"
Well that is pretty brilliant and basic and what any preteen would learn in driver's ed.

But the Metrobus union employees are rallying for the bus driver, who killed two pedestrians crossing in the green in the crosswalk. A taxi driver witness's testimony
angered many of the 20 uniformed Metro workers who crowded the courtroom in support of Kolako. "How could a cabdriver see where [Kolako] was looking?" asked one.

After the hearing, many of the Metro workers hugged Kolako. As Kolako was leaving the courthouse, several workers held up umbrellas and jackets to shield him from the media.
Separately, Metro introduced new colored lights in place of the old ones that were white and flashed when a train is coming. I don't understand the point of this but they say it somehow enhances safety. I think it is a waste of money, as no other system outside of ours has lights at all.


Blogger ChrisBarronDC said...

I honestly cant imagine a scarier group of people then Metrobus union members.

7:31 AM  

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