Saturday, March 10, 2007

City Council Finally Looks at the School Budget

The DC Council actually showed some balls by questioning contracts to rebuild the DC schools. And the contracts equalled a cool $1 billion.

That is a start, but I question the wisdom of allocating $2.3 billion of taxpayer money to remodel schools that are half-empty. Any sane person would rationalize the schools before spending such huge sums to fix so many that will have to be closed. Utilization of DC schools hovers around 40-50%. Why are we paying to fix the entire system? Does the word "duh" mean anything to you?

PS the pot hole index is getting incredibly high. Perhaps we could take some taxpayer money to fix the roads as they are just about as bad now as they were in the Barry days, and the DC gov't has no excuse as they have more tax money than they know what to do with.


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